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Pause to give part of the motorcycle manufacturing enterprises to the countrysid

release date:[2016-11-16]     Click rate:

On September 28, the ministry web site message, recently, the ministry of finance, the ministry of industry and information technology jointly issued "the finance ministry of industry and information technology about adjusting automobile motorcycle to the countryside product directory notice, announced the suspension of giving some did not pay the performance bond automobile motorcycle manufacturing enterprises to the countryside.

Ministry of finance, the ministry of industry and information technology with automobile, motorcycle manufacturing enterprise of the car (motorcycle) to the countryside to promote productive enterprise agreement "specific provision, automobile motorcycle to the countryside production enterprises should be within 15 working days from the date of the agreement to pay a certain amount of performance bond, or as a default, the ministry of finance, the ministry of industry and information technology to cancel the qualification of the countryside. Miit will not list of automobile motorcycle to the countryside production enterprises pay the performance bond shall be notified to the list of manufacturing enterprises from the date of this notice issued 15 working days after the sales of products no longer enjoy the countryside subsidies.

China JingJiWang journalists access to the list, including five companies, 84 kinds of products. This is not the first time that the ministry worth of earnest, but after just the unpaid list, this is a "real" frozen enterprise subsidies, have media comment, it reflects the policy under the action of positive, some companies are pulling the policy "legs".

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